Focus and Scope
Jurnal DIGIT is a journal that contains scientific manuscripts from researchers, academics and practitioners, in the form of research results and/or other forms of scientific writing, which specifically examine the fields of:
- Software Engineering.
- Compilation Techniques.
- Database Design.
- Data Mining.
- Web Services Technology.
- Business Intelligent.
- Artificial Intelligence.
- Fuzzy Logic.
- Computer Vision.
- Embedded Systems.
- Robotics.
- Expert Systems.
- Machine Learning.
- E-Commerce.
- Digital and Network Security.
- Neuro Fuzzy.
- E-Government.
- Bioinformatics.
- Geographic Information Systems.
- Mobile Applications.
- Games Technology.
- Computer Networks.
- Cloud Computing
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
Every manuscript that has been submitted will undergo a selection process with the following criteria:
- Each submitted manuscript will be checked for the originality of its contribution in the field in accordance with the scope, grammar and format of Journal writing as well as the reliability of the methodology and theoretical concepts appropriate to the topic and analysis.
- The editor will check the appropriateness of the scope and originality of the contribution and any manuscript that does not comply with the scope will be notified of publication rejection to the author via email.
- Contribution originality is also carried out through a similarity check using Turnitin and a maximum of 25% similarity is allowed to be processed to the review stage and publication rejection is informed to the author via email.
- In the next stage, a check will be carried out by the section editor, if there are discrepancies and inconsistencies in the format with the latest Teknosi journal then the publication will be rejected and the publication refusal will be informed to the author via email.
- Checking the reliability of the methodology and theoretical concepts appropriate to the topic and analysis will be carried out by reviewers appointed by the editor.
- The principle for selecting reviewers for each manuscript is that the reviewer's track record has at least been an author in an accredited and/or international scientific journal on a topic that is relevant to the topic of the manuscript.
- The review process uses a blind review method which involves a minimum of one reviewer who has been determined by the editor. If there are conflicting decisions between the reviewers, an additional reviewer will be allocated to provide an assessment.
- Each review process by a reviewer will be carried out within a maximum of 4 (four) weeks from the time the reviewer has been appointed.
Publication Frequency
It is published periodically twice a year, namely in May and November. Papers can be submitted at any time, and will be published in the following period. Here are the important schedules:
May Period:
Paper acceptance deadline: 30 April
Announcement of paper acceptance: Sunday 3rd May
Publish electronic media: June 01
November Period:
Paper acceptance deadline: October 30
Announcement of paper acceptance: Sunday 3rd November
Publish electronic media: December 01
Open Access Policy
The journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports greater global exchange of knowledge.